
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με την ετικέτα Mazower Mark

Europe raises spectre of an ungovernable world ...

(...) Legislatures within the EU, and especially within the eurozone, are now obliged to cede discretionary power to unelected central bankers, judges, bureaucrats and industry regulators. One does not have to be a supporter of Syriza to see how this allows established political parties in difficult times to be turned into stooges of shadowy special interests (...) The crisis has thrown into question the very idea that the world can be governed. The EU itself was once the most ambitious and impressive realisation of this idea. In its 21st-century incarnation, however, the EU has allowed a dangerous gap to open up between rulers and ruled, technocrats and electorates (...)   “They decided without us. Let us advance without them ,” reads the slogan on the website of Syriza, the leftwing Greek party that shot to prominence after elections this month. But what emerges as one reads on is less a clear strategy for the country’s future than a worldview s

«Η Ελλάδα χρειάζεται σεβασμό και σκληρή αγάπη» ...

«Η ΕΛΛΑΔΑ χρειάζεται σεβασμό καθώς και σκληρή αγάπη».  Αυτός είναι ο τίτλος του άρθρου που δημοσιεύει ο διακεκριμένος Βρετανός ιστορικός Μαρκ Μαζάουερ στους «Financial Τimes». Στη σύγχρονη ελληνική Ιστορία, επισημαίνει ο Μαζάουερ, η σταθερά δεν είναι η αφερεγγυότητα της Ελλάδας, όπως διατυμπανίζουν κάποιοι, αλλά «ο απίστευτος βαθμός έξωθεν παρεμβάσεων στα εσωτερικά της ζητήματα». ... ( Aπό τα ''NEA'' 10/3/2020 ) Greece’s history is defined by foreign meddling By Mark Mazower *  March  8  2010   ''Financial Times''  Sympathy for the Greeks is in short supply. But their European partners need to come up with a better response and this will require getting to grips with the deeper roots of Greece’s predicament. I do not refer to the widely touted claim that Greece is a serial defaulter; the research paper (by Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff) that introduced the idea suggests that Greece’s record over the past 100 years is not exceptional. (Its only default in t