Gerry Mulligan ...
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Jazzfestival Bern 1990
Μάλιγκαν, Τζέρι (Gerald Joseph «Gerry» Mulligan, Νέα Υόρκη, 1927 – Κονέκτικατ 1996).
Αμερικανός μουσικός, συνθέτης και ενορχηστρωτής της τζαζ. Μεγάλωσε στη Φιλαδέλφεια και αρχικά έπαιζε πιάνο, ενώ αργότερα ασχολήθηκε με το σαξόφωνο, πρώτα το άλτο και μετά το βαρύτονο. Το 1946 επέστρεψε στη Νέα Υόρκη και συνεργάστηκε με την ορχήστρα του Τζιν Κρούπα, ως ενορχηστρωτής. Το 1949 έγινε μέλος της εννεαμελούς ορχήστρας του Μάιλς Ντέιβις με την οποία ηχογράφησε ένα άλμπουμ, που όμως κυκλοφόρησε μόλις το 1957. Το 1952 πήγε στο Λος Άντζελες, όπου μαζί με τον τρομπετίστα Τσετ Μπέικερ δημιούργησαν ένα πρωτότυπο κουαρτέτο, το οποίο δεν χρησιμοποιούσε πιάνο. Την περίοδο που ακολούθησε, ταυτίστηκε κατά κάποιον τρόπο με την κουλ τζαζ της Δυτικής Ακτής. Το 1960 δημιούργησε μια δεκαμελή ορχήστρα με την οποία περιόδευσε σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Αργότερα διηύθυνε ακόμη μεγαλύτερα σχήματα και συμμετείχε στις περιοδείες του συγκροτήματος του Ντέιβ Μπρούμπεκ. Ορισμένες από τις πολυάριθμες ηχογραφήσεις του: «Walking Shoes» (1952), «Revelation» (1953), «Lady Is A Tramp» (1955), «Night Lights» (1963), Carnegie Hall Concert (1974) κ.ά. Πέθανε έπειτα από μια μετεγχειρητική επιπλοκή.
Ο Μ. θεωρείται ο δημοφιλέστερος και ίσως ο σπουδαιότερος ερμηνευτής βαρύτονου σαξοφώνου στην τζαζ, ο οποίος είχε την ικανότητα να δένει τη μουσική του με τους πιο διαφορετικούς ερμηνευτές τόσο της τζαζ όσο και άλλων μουσικών ειδών. Ως ενορχηστρωτής υπήρξε από τους πρώτους οι οποίοι προσπάθησαν να εμφυσήσουν το πνεύμα του bebop σε μεγάλες ορχήστρες. Ως ερμηνευτής ήταν αδιαμφισβήτητα ο δεξιοτέχνης του βαρύτονου σαξοφώνου, από το οποίο κατάφερνε να αποσπά ελαφρότητα και πλούτο που από μόνο του δεν μπορεί να δώσει το όργανο αυτό. Οι συνθέσεις του, τέλος, δημιούργησαν σχολή στον χώρο της κουλ τζαζ.
Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Full Album)
1 | 00:00 | Gerry Mulligan - Blueport (Art Farmer)
2 | 08:45 | Gerry Mulligan - When Your Lover Has Gone (Einar A. Swan)
3 | 13:52 | Gerry Mulligan - 18 Carrots for Rabbit (Gerry Mulligan)
4 | 19:06 | Gerry Mulligan - I Mean You (Take 4) (Thelonious Monk)
5 | 25:56 | Gerry Mulligan - Shady Side (Johnny Hodges)
6 | 32:59 | Gerry Mulligan - Trav'lin Light (Trummy Young)
7 | 36:41 | Gerry Mulligan - All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)
8 | 40:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Back Beat (Johnny Hodges)
9 | 47:59 | Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers)
10 | 52:04 | Gerry Mulligan - Jersey Bounce (Robert Wright)
11 | 56:31 | Gerry Mulligan - These Foolish Things (Jack Strachey)
12 | 59:59 | Gerry Mulligan - Who's Got Rhythm' (Gerry Mulligan)
13 | 1:07:34 | Gerry Mulligan - Too Close for Comfort (Holofcener)
14 | 1:14:29 | Gerry Mulligan - Anything Goes (Cole Porter)
15 | 1:18:05 | Gerry Mulligan - Lover Man (Jimmy Sherman)
16 | 1:21:12 | Gerry Mulligan - Sweet and Lovely (Harry Tobias)
17 | 1:28:27 | Gerry Mulligan - Let's Fall in Love (Ted Koehler)
18 | 1:34:53 | Gerry Mulligan - That Old Feeling (Sammy Fain)
19 | 1:40:49 | Gerry Mulligan - The Lady Is a Tramp' Utter Chaos (Gerry Mulligan)
20 | 1:45:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Round Midnight (Cootie Williams)
21 | 1:54:02 | Gerry Mulligan - Bunny (Gerry Mulligan)
22 | 1:59:46 | Gerry Mulligan - Festive Minor (Gerry Mulligan)
23 | 2:05:58 | Gerry Mulligan - Walkin' Shoes (Gerry Mulligan)
24 | 2:11:01 | Gerry Mulligan - Come Out Wherever You Are (Jule Styne)
25 | 2:15:12 | Gerry Mulligan - Lady Be Good (Ira Gershwin)
26 | 2:17:41 | Gerry Mulligan - News for Blueport (Bill Crow)
27 | 2:22:43 | Gerry Mulligan - Straight No Chaser (Take 3) (Thelonious Monk)
28 | 2:29:40 | Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Jule Styne)
29 | 2:39:39 | Gerry Mulligan - What It's All About (Johnny Hodges)
30 | 2:43:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Reunion (Gerry Mulligan)
1 | 00:00 | Gerry Mulligan - Blueport (Art Farmer)
2 | 08:45 | Gerry Mulligan - When Your Lover Has Gone (Einar A. Swan)
3 | 13:52 | Gerry Mulligan - 18 Carrots for Rabbit (Gerry Mulligan)
4 | 19:06 | Gerry Mulligan - I Mean You (Take 4) (Thelonious Monk)
5 | 25:56 | Gerry Mulligan - Shady Side (Johnny Hodges)
6 | 32:59 | Gerry Mulligan - Trav'lin Light (Trummy Young)
7 | 36:41 | Gerry Mulligan - All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)
8 | 40:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Back Beat (Johnny Hodges)
9 | 47:59 | Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers)
10 | 52:04 | Gerry Mulligan - Jersey Bounce (Robert Wright)
11 | 56:31 | Gerry Mulligan - These Foolish Things (Jack Strachey)
12 | 59:59 | Gerry Mulligan - Who's Got Rhythm' (Gerry Mulligan)
13 | 1:07:34 | Gerry Mulligan - Too Close for Comfort (Holofcener)
14 | 1:14:29 | Gerry Mulligan - Anything Goes (Cole Porter)
15 | 1:18:05 | Gerry Mulligan - Lover Man (Jimmy Sherman)
16 | 1:21:12 | Gerry Mulligan - Sweet and Lovely (Harry Tobias)
17 | 1:28:27 | Gerry Mulligan - Let's Fall in Love (Ted Koehler)
18 | 1:34:53 | Gerry Mulligan - That Old Feeling (Sammy Fain)
19 | 1:40:49 | Gerry Mulligan - The Lady Is a Tramp' Utter Chaos (Gerry Mulligan)
20 | 1:45:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Round Midnight (Cootie Williams)
21 | 1:54:02 | Gerry Mulligan - Bunny (Gerry Mulligan)
22 | 1:59:46 | Gerry Mulligan - Festive Minor (Gerry Mulligan)
23 | 2:05:58 | Gerry Mulligan - Walkin' Shoes (Gerry Mulligan)
24 | 2:11:01 | Gerry Mulligan - Come Out Wherever You Are (Jule Styne)
25 | 2:15:12 | Gerry Mulligan - Lady Be Good (Ira Gershwin)
26 | 2:17:41 | Gerry Mulligan - News for Blueport (Bill Crow)
27 | 2:22:43 | Gerry Mulligan - Straight No Chaser (Take 3) (Thelonious Monk)
28 | 2:29:40 | Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Jule Styne)
29 | 2:39:39 | Gerry Mulligan - What It's All About (Johnny Hodges)
30 | 2:43:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Reunion (Gerry Mulligan)
Lounge Sensation TV
Gerry Mulligan - Love Me or Leave Me (Full Album)
1 | 00:00 | Gerry Mulligan - When Your Lover Has Gone (Einar A. Swan)
2 | 05:07 | Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Jule Styne)
3 | 15:06 | Gerry Mulligan - Love Me or Leave Me (Gus Kahn)
4 | 21:06 | Gerry Mulligan - What's the Rush (Gerry Mulligan)
5 | 24:48 | Gerry Mulligan - Too Marvelous for Words (Richard A. Whiting)
6 | 28:31 | Gerry Mulligan - Just in Time (Jule Styne)
7 | 32:41 | Gerry Mulligan - Laura (Johnny Mercer)
8 | 37:12 | Gerry Mulligan - 18 Carrots for Rabbit (Gerry Mulligan)
9 | 42:25 | Gerry Mulligan - All the Things You Are (Jerome Kern)
10 | 46:20 | Gerry Mulligan - Who's Got Rhythm' (Gerry Mulligan)
11 | 53:56 | Gerry Mulligan - Broadway (Sir Henry Joseph Wood)
12 | 56:49 | Gerry Mulligan - Decidedly (Take 4) (Gerry Mulligan)
13 | 1:02:40 | Gerry Mulligan - A Ballad (Gerry Mulligan)
14 | 1:08:22 | Gerry Mulligan - Sweet and Lovely (Harry Tobias)
15 | 1:15:37 | Gerry Mulligan - Stardust (Mitchell Parish)
16 | 1:20:20 | Gerry Mulligan - This Can't Be Love (Hart)
17 | 1:29:05 | Gerry Mulligan - I Mean You (Take 4) (Thelonious Monk)
18 | 1:35:55 | Gerry Mulligan - Tell Me When (Gerry Mulligan)
19 | 1:40:56 | Gerry Mulligan - Blueport (Art Farmer)
20 | 1:49:41 | Gerry Mulligan - Almost Like Being in Love (Mike Stoller)
21 | 1:52:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Five Brothers (Gerry Mulligan)
22 | 1:57:36 | Gerry Mulligan - Jersey Bounce (Robert Wright)
23 | 2:02:03 | Gerry Mulligan - Ornithology (Harris)
24 | 2:07:14 | Gerry Mulligan - Chelsea Bridge (Billy Strayhorn)
25 | 2:14:32 | Gerry Mulligan - Let's Fall in Love (Ted Koehler)
26 | 2:20:59 | Gerry Mulligan - The Surrey With the Fringe On Top (Richard Rodgers)
27 | 2:25:41 | Gerry Mulligan - As Catch Can (Gerry Mulligan)
28 | 2:29:35 | Gerry Mulligan - What Is There to Say (E.Y. "Yip" Harburg)
29 | 2:33:38 | Gerry Mulligan - The Lady Is a Tramp' Utter Chaos (Gerry Mulligan)
30 | 2:38:25 | Gerry Mulligan - Bernie's Tune (Mike Stoller)
31 | 2:43:35 | Gerry Mulligan - Sunday (Jule Styne)
32 | 2:50:54 | Gerry Mulligan - The Cat Walk (Ben Webster)
33 | 2:56:37 | Gerry Mulligan - Reunion (Gerry Mulligan)
34 | 3:00:43 | Gerry Mulligan - Bunny (Gerry Mulligan)
35 | 3:06:27 | Gerry Mulligan - I Can't Believe That You're in Love (Jimmy McHugh)
36 | 3:09:33 | Gerry Mulligan - My Heart Belongs to Daddy (Cole Porter)
37 | 3:13:45 | Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine (Richard Rodgers)
38 | 3:17:51 | Gerry Mulligan - Rhythm-A-Ning (Thelonious Monk)
39 | 3:23:07 | Gerry Mulligan - Anything Goes (Cole Porter)
40 | 3:26:43 | Gerry Mulligan - Moonlight in Vermont (Karl Suessdorf)
Lounge Sensation TV
Piazzolla & Mulligan - Reunión Cumbre (Summit).
Astor Piazzolla (bandoneón)
& Gerry Mulligan (saxo barítono)
00:00 - Hace 20 años
06:23 - Cierra tus ojos y escucha
10:55 - Años de soledad
15:02 - Deus Xango
18:48 - 20 años después
23:00 - Aire de Buenos Aires
27:36 - Reminiscencia
34:05 - Reunión Cumbre
Nicolás Ippolito
Gerry Mulligan Sextet 1955 - Full Album
1. Igloo
2. Sweet and Lovely............. 6:58
3. Ain't it the truth.................12:04
4. Lollypop...........................17:28
5. The Lady is a Tramp........23:23
6. Makin' whoopee...............28:36
7. Apple Core.......................32:42
8. Bernie's Tune...................38:11
Gerry Mulligan - Night Lights (1963)
1 - Night Lights (1963 Version) 4:50
2 - Morning Of The Carnival From "Black Orpheus" 5:27
3 - In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning 5:34
4 - Prelude In E Minor 4:11
5 - Festival Minor 6:45
6 - Tell Me When 4:06
Buteco do Pixinga
Gerry Mulligan - Jazz After Midnight (Vol.1)
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Shady Side
Gerry Mulligan - Doxy
Gerry Mulligan - Sweet And Slow
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - That Old Feeling
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Who's Got Rhythm'
Gerry Mulligan - Apple Core
Gerry Mulligan - Black Nightgown
Gerry Mulligan - Too Marvelous For Words
Gerry Mulligan - Lady Chatterley'S Mother
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Decidedly (Take 4)
Gerry Mulligan - Broadway (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Come Out Wherever You Are
Gerry Mulligan - The Song Is You
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Jersey Bounce
Gerry Mulligan - Blueport (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - News For Blueport
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - My Heart Belongs To Daddy
Gerry Mulligan - Piano Train
Gerry Mulligan - Two Of A Mind
Gerry Mulligan - Just In Time
Gerry Mulligan - Festive Minor
Gerry Mulligan - Chuggin'
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - What It's All About
Gerry Mulligan - Theme From I Want To Live
Gerry Mulligan - Stardust
Gerry Mulligan - I Know, Don't Know How
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - When Your Lover Has Gone
Gerry Mulligan - Sextet
Gerry Mulligan - Oleo
Gerry Mulligan - Go Home
Gerry Mulligan - You Took Advantage Of Me
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - A Ballad
Gerry Mulligan - Tell Me When
Gerry Mulligan - I'm Gonna Go Fishin'
Gerry Mulligan - Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Back Beat
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Trav'lin Light
Gerry Mulligan - Broadway
Gerry Mulligan - Bernie's Tune
Gerry Mulligan - Israel
Gerry Mulligan - Love In New Orleans
Gerry Mulligan - Body And Soul
Gerry Mulligan - In The Chapel In The Moonlight
Gerry Mulligan - All The Things You Are (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - The Surrey With The Fringe On Top
Gerry Mulligan - I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - 18 Carrots For Rabbit
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Stardust (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Dearly Beloved
Gerry Mulligan - Lady Be Good
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Bunny
Music Legends Book
Gerry Mulligan - Jazz After Midnight (Vol.2)
Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Love Me Or Leave Me
Gerry Mulligan - Out Of This World
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Moonlight In Vermont
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Laura
Gerry Mulligan - The Red Door
Gerry Mulligan - I Know, I Don't Know How
Gerry Mulligan - The Way You Look Tonight
Gerry Mulligan - These Foolish Things
Gerry Mulligan - All About Rosie
Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Blight Of The Fumble Bee
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - What's The Rush
Gerry Mulligan - Fall Out
Gerry Mulligan - What Is There To Say
Gerry Mulligan - As Catch Can
Gerry Mulligan - Utter Chaos
Gerry Mulligan - Blueport
Gerry Mulligan - Lover Man
Gerry Mulligan - Come Rain Or Come Shine
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - I Mean You (Take 4)
Gerry Mulligan - All The Things You Are
Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine
Miles Davis Feat. Gerry Mulligan - I May Be Wrong
Gerry Mulligan - Let My People Be
Gerry Mulligan - I'll Remember April
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Anything Goes
Gerry Mulligan - Bweebida Bobbida
Gerry Mulligan - Come Rain Or Come Shine (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Summer's Over
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Rhythm-A-Ning
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Reunion
Gerry Mulligan - Barbara's Theme
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Let's Fall In Love
Gerry Mulligan - I Believe In You
Gerry Mulligan - Manoir Des Mes Reves (Django's Castle)
Gerry Mulligan - Almost Like Being In Love
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Straight No Chaser (Take 3)
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - This Can't Be Love
Gerry Mulligan - Walkin' Shoes
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Round Midnight
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - The Cat Walk
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - The Lady Is A Tramp' Utter Chaos
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Sunday
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Sweet And Lovely
Gerry Mulligan - Lost In The Stars
Gerry Mulligan - Out Of Nowhere
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Five Brothers
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Too Close For Comfort
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Chelsea Bridge
Gerry Mulligan - Weep
Music Legends Book
Gerry Mulligan Sextet 1955 - Full Album
1. Igloo
2. Sweet and Lovely............. 6:58
3. Ain't it the truth.................12:04
4. Lollypop...........................17:28
5. The Lady is a Tramp........23:23
6. Makin' whoopee...............28:36
7. Apple Core.......................32:42
8. Bernie's Tune...................38:11
Gerry Mulligan - Night Lights (1963)
1 - Night Lights (1963 Version) 4:50
2 - Morning Of The Carnival From "Black Orpheus" 5:27
3 - In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning 5:34
4 - Prelude In E Minor 4:11
5 - Festival Minor 6:45
6 - Tell Me When 4:06
Buteco do Pixinga
Gerry Mulligan - Jazz After Midnight (Vol.1)
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Shady Side
Gerry Mulligan - Doxy
Gerry Mulligan - Sweet And Slow
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - That Old Feeling
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Who's Got Rhythm'
Gerry Mulligan - Apple Core
Gerry Mulligan - Black Nightgown
Gerry Mulligan - Too Marvelous For Words
Gerry Mulligan - Lady Chatterley'S Mother
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Decidedly (Take 4)
Gerry Mulligan - Broadway (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Come Out Wherever You Are
Gerry Mulligan - The Song Is You
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Jersey Bounce
Gerry Mulligan - Blueport (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - News For Blueport
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - My Heart Belongs To Daddy
Gerry Mulligan - Piano Train
Gerry Mulligan - Two Of A Mind
Gerry Mulligan - Just In Time
Gerry Mulligan - Festive Minor
Gerry Mulligan - Chuggin'
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - What It's All About
Gerry Mulligan - Theme From I Want To Live
Gerry Mulligan - Stardust
Gerry Mulligan - I Know, Don't Know How
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - When Your Lover Has Gone
Gerry Mulligan - Sextet
Gerry Mulligan - Oleo
Gerry Mulligan - Go Home
Gerry Mulligan - You Took Advantage Of Me
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - A Ballad
Gerry Mulligan - Tell Me When
Gerry Mulligan - I'm Gonna Go Fishin'
Gerry Mulligan - Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Back Beat
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Trav'lin Light
Gerry Mulligan - Broadway
Gerry Mulligan - Bernie's Tune
Gerry Mulligan - Israel
Gerry Mulligan - Love In New Orleans
Gerry Mulligan - Body And Soul
Gerry Mulligan - In The Chapel In The Moonlight
Gerry Mulligan - All The Things You Are (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - The Surrey With The Fringe On Top
Gerry Mulligan - I'm Getting Sentimental Over You
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - 18 Carrots For Rabbit
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Stardust (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Dearly Beloved
Gerry Mulligan - Lady Be Good
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - Bunny
Music Legends Book
Gerry Mulligan - Jazz After Midnight (Vol.2)
Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Love Me Or Leave Me
Gerry Mulligan - Out Of This World
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Moonlight In Vermont
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Laura
Gerry Mulligan - The Red Door
Gerry Mulligan - I Know, I Don't Know How
Gerry Mulligan - The Way You Look Tonight
Gerry Mulligan - These Foolish Things
Gerry Mulligan - All About Rosie
Gerry Mulligan - Go Home (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Blight Of The Fumble Bee
Gerry Mulligan & Johnny Hodges - What's The Rush
Gerry Mulligan - Fall Out
Gerry Mulligan - What Is There To Say
Gerry Mulligan - As Catch Can
Gerry Mulligan - Utter Chaos
Gerry Mulligan - Blueport
Gerry Mulligan - Lover Man
Gerry Mulligan - Come Rain Or Come Shine
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - I Mean You (Take 4)
Gerry Mulligan - All The Things You Are
Gerry Mulligan - My Funny Valentine
Miles Davis Feat. Gerry Mulligan - I May Be Wrong
Gerry Mulligan - Let My People Be
Gerry Mulligan - I'll Remember April
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Anything Goes
Gerry Mulligan - Bweebida Bobbida
Gerry Mulligan - Come Rain Or Come Shine (Alternative Take)
Gerry Mulligan - Summer's Over
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Rhythm-A-Ning
Gerry Mulligan & Chet Baker - Reunion
Gerry Mulligan - Barbara's Theme
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Let's Fall In Love
Gerry Mulligan - I Believe In You
Gerry Mulligan - Manoir Des Mes Reves (Django's Castle)
Gerry Mulligan - Almost Like Being In Love
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Straight No Chaser (Take 3)
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - This Can't Be Love
Gerry Mulligan - Walkin' Shoes
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Round Midnight
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - The Cat Walk
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - The Lady Is A Tramp' Utter Chaos
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Sunday
Gerry Mulligan & Thelonious Monk - Sweet And Lovely
Gerry Mulligan - Lost In The Stars
Gerry Mulligan - Out Of Nowhere
Gerry Mulligan Quartet - Five Brothers
Gerry Mulligan & Stan Getz - Too Close For Comfort
Gerry Mulligan & Ben Webster - Chelsea Bridge
Gerry Mulligan - Weep
Music Legends Book