Ο ...Ουμανιστής Ρετζέπσουλταν!

''' 'It's a disgrace that ''Bloomberg'' even open its pages to such a "ruthless wanna be dictator" it is even worse that he is attending to funeral of a person like Ali. If you follow this nut's speeches and his attitude toward other voices you will just see hate, intolerance, bigotry...He is one double faced coward who just needs 1000 bodyguards just to walk on the street.Too much for a "peaceful man" .. This guy shouldn't even be attending to this funeral. Somebody should just ask him "what about the weapons and guns that he sent to ISIS " What he sent and what happened to people who uncovered the story and journalists who did their jobs and let Turkish people know about it..HE IS A TERRORIST'' '' "Να γίνει πράξη η κληρονομιά του Muhammad Ali" Άρθρο του Recep Tayyip Erdogan στο ''Β loomberg'': ttp://www.bloomberg.com/view/article...