
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με την ετικέτα Synagogue Etz Hayim

Two Americans and two British men,anti-Semites, are the arsonists against the Synagogue Etz Hayim of Hania (Crete) ...

... Εχουμε να κάνουμε δηλαδή με τυχαίες πράξεις αντισημιτικού κρετινισμού τεσσάρων ανεγκέφαλων Αμερικανών και Βρετανών ή με πολιτική προβοκάτσια ξένων πρακτόρων με στόχο τη δυσφήμηση της Ελλάδας στον εβραϊκό κόσμο ... Police have  arrested  two British men, one    American English teacher, one Greek  and is seeking anothe r US citizen , also an English teacher ************ BBC-NEWS 22 January 2010  Two British men have been arrested in connection with arson attacks on a medieval synagogue on the Greek island of Crete. The two men, who have not been named, are being held in the coastal town of Hania. A Greek man is also in custody and two Americans are being sought. Hania’s Etz Hayyim synagogue has been targeted by arsonists twice this month. The UK embassy in Athens said two British men had been arrested on charges of arson. The BBC’s Malcolm Brabant in Athens said, according to the police, the men are aged 23 and 33 and are night...