The Oh Hellos ...

The Oh Hello's - Hello My Old Heart (Lyrics on Screen) ''The Oh Hellos'' are an eclectic folk rock duo from San Marcos, Texas consisting of siblings Tyler Heath and Maggie Heath. They are currently an independent band, and have released three albums, ''The Oh Hellos'', '' Through the Deep, Dark Valley '', and '' Dear Wormwood '' as well as a Christmas EP, '' The Oh Hellos' Family Christmas Album' '. When playing live, Maggie and Tyler often bring along a large ensemble of musicians as their backing band. Tyler Heath began writing and recording his music in 2007. He has released three albums by himself called ''Let It go'', ''A Christmas Album' ', and '' We're All In This Together'' . In 2011, his sister Maggie Heath joined him, which is when they became known as '' The Oh Hellos''. Discography-Albums: The Oh...