
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με την ετικέτα BEKDIL BURAK

ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΥΠΟΛΗ: ''Conquest 1453'' ( Turkish film “Fetih 1453”)

(...) Instead of shyly (and privately) remembering 1453, the Turks make every cheerful noise to remind the entire world that their country is a too rare commodity in Europe which boasts that its biggest city in fact is a land that once belonged to another nation and was captured by the force of sword. It is quite hard to think of the British commemorating the conquest of London or the Germans that of Berlin – and noisily thinking this is a virtue: “ We are sitting on other nations’ lands! Ah, there is Cyprus too…” Another Turkish producer with a quick eye for $$$$ should soon set off to release a “ Conquest 1974 ,” and another, an “ Extinction 1915 .” (...) And it is so amusing that these devout generations get easily offended when someone spelled the original name of the city their ancestors had conquered five and a half centuries ago: Constantinople. They would prefer the “ Turkish” name, Istanbul, without knowing that the Turkish name, too, is a variation of one of the city’...