Bertelsmann Foundation warns of extensive domino effects: Greece's Withdrawal from the Eurozone Could Cause Global Economic Crisis ...

Bertelsmann: "Οικονομικός Αρμαγεδώνας 7,9 τρισ. ευρώ στον πλανήτη αν χαθεί η Ελλάδα" ! Greece's exit from the Euro would have dramatic consequences Greece's Withdrawal from the Eurozone Could Cause Global Economic Crisis Bertelsmann Foundation warns of extensive domino effects Greece's exit from the Euro bears the risk of kindling a wildfire throughout Europe - possibly even on an international level - and may result in a worldwide economic crisis. Countries affected would include not only Southern member states and their EU partners, but also the USA, China and other emerging countries. This is the conclusion of an economic forecast study carried out by Prognos AG on behalf of the German Bertelsmann Stiftung. The study analyses the financial consequences of different exit scenarios covering a “Grexit” as well as a secession of different groups of crisis-stricken countries from the Euro. For the first time, the paper also calculates possib...