Johan Tarčulovski: Η υποδοχή ενός εγκληματία ...

Tarculovski, war crimes trial ... In 2001, Johan Tarčulovski was a police officer acting as an Escort Inspector in the President’s Security Unit in the Ministry of the Interior of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. His duties included providing personal security for the President. The indictment alleges that Johan Tarčulovski ordered planned and organised the crimes during the attack on the Albanian village of Ljuboten on 12 August 2001 and personally took part in the attack himself. Tarčulovski was indicted with Ljube Boškoski . Tarčulovski was charged with three counts of murder, wanton destruction of cities, towns or villages, and cruel treatment as violations of the laws or customs of war. According to the indictment, Tarčulovski, or members of the police unit which he lead, participated in the murder of seven Albanian men, the destruction of at least 14 Albanian houses, and the beating, humiliation, harassment and psychological abuse of ove...