Beth Moon:Ancient Trees ...

Τ΄ΑΣΤΕΡΟΕΝΤΑ δέντρα με την ευδοκία
η παρασημαντική ενός άλλου κόσμου
η παλιά δοξασία οτι υπάρχει πάντα
το πολύ σιμά και όμως αόρατο 
     (...) (*)

Many of the trees I have photographed have survived because they are out of reach of civilization; on mountainsides, private estates, or on protected land. Certain species exist only in a few isolated areas of the world.  For example; there are 6 species of spectacular baobabs, found only on the island of Madagascar. Sadly, the baobab is now one of the three most endangered species on the island.

The criteria I use for choosing particular trees are basically three: age, immense size or notable history. I research the locations by a number of methods; history books, botanical books, tree registers, newspaper articles and information from friends and travelers.

Standing as the earth’s largest and oldest living monuments, I believe these symbolic trees will take on a greater significance, especially at a time when our focus is directed at finding better ways to live with the environment, celebrating the wonders of nature that have survived throughout the centuries. By feeling a larger sense of time, developing a relationship with the natural world, we carry that awareness with us as it becomes a part of who we are. I cannot imagine a better way to commemorate the lives of the world’s most dramatic trees, many which are in danger of destruction, than by exhibiting their portraits.

Beth Moon

* * *

 Beth Moon’s stunning images capture the power and mystery of the world’s remaining ancient trees. These hoary forest sentinels are among the oldest living things on the planet and it is desperately important that we do all in our power to ensure their survival. I want my grandchildren – and theirs – to know the wonder of such trees in life and not only from photograpshs of things long gone. Beth’s portraits will surely inspire many to help those working to save these magnificent trees.

Dr. Jane Goodall

Τα δέντρα είναι πανάρχαια πουλιά 
Που δεν τα΄αφήσαν να πετάξουν
Στις κρίσιμες ώρες της δημιουργίας
Κι εκείνα το αποδέχτηκαν.
Γι΄ αυτό έρχονται και κουρνιάζουν
Στα κλαδιά τους τα πουλιά 
που αντισταθήκανε
Κερδίζοντας τον ουρανό.

Σύμφωνα με άλλη άποψη
Τα δέντρα είναι τα σκελετωμένα χέρια των νεκρών
Που ξεφυτρώνουν αθόρυβα απ΄το χώμα
Και μας προσφέρουν ταπεινά 
-με μόνο αντάλλαγμα να μας αγγίξουν φευγαλέα-
Τους εύγευστους καρπούς που κλέβουν
Από τους κήπους του Επέκεινα. (**)

τα δέντρα υμνούν το φως
ανάβοντας σιωπηλά το κάθε τους φύλλο
ψιθυρίζοντας ένα παιδικό τραγούδι
αγγίζοντας τη φουντωτή ουρά του ανέμου
φιλοξενώντας πουλιά κι αστέρια
έτσι μιλώντας για το απρόσιτο
... (***)


Earth of Humans,Animals,Trees and the Grand Scheme of things ..

''The largest resolution photo ever taken of the universe to date. They zoom in....and zoom in....and zoom in.... and you will feel very very small. This really puts things into perspective when thinking about how much of a role Earth of Humans,Animals and Trees, really have in the grand scheme of things.''

Από το ''Άξιον Εστί''

Κατερίνας Καριζώνη
Ποίημα ''Μοιραία Λάθη'' 

''Τα δέντρα''