Miriam Makeba
Η Μίριαμ Μακέμπα (Zenzile Miriam Makeba ; 4 Μαρτίου 1932 - 9 Νοεμβρίου 2008), γνωστή με το ψευδώνυμο Mama Africa, ήταν νοτιοαφρικανή τραγουδίστρια, συνθέτης, ηθοποιός, πρέσβειρα καλής θελήσεως των Ηνωμένων Εθνών και πολιτική ακτιβίστρια. Σχετίστηκε με τα μουσικά ρεύματα της Afropop, της jazz και με την παγκόσμια μουσική και τάχθηκε κατά του απαρτχάιντ και της λευκής μειονοτικής κυβέρνησης της Νοτίου Αφρικής.
Γεννημένη στο Γιοχάνεσμπουργκ, η Μακέμπα ξεκίνησε να εργάζεται από νεαρή ηλικία μετά τον θάνατο του πατέρα της. Είχε έναν σύντομο και καταχρηστικό πρώτο γάμο σε ηλικία 17 ετών, απέκτησε το μοναδικό της παιδί το 1950 και θεραπεύτηκε από τον καρκίνο του μαστού. Το ταλέντο της στο τραγούδι ανακαλύφθηκε από όταν ήταν ακόμα παιδί. Ξεκίνησε να τραγουδά επαγγελματικά την δεκαετία του 1950 μαζί με τους Cuban Brothers, τους Manhattan Brothers και το γυναικείο συγκρότημα Skylarks όπου ερμήνευε τζαζ, δυτική μουσική και παραδοσιακά αφρικανικά τραγούδια. Το 1959 η Μακέμπα ερμήνευσε έναν μικρό ρόλο στην ταινία Come Back Africa, η οποία της χάρισε διεθνή προσοχή και την οδήγησε σε ρόλους στην Βενετία, το Λονδίνο και την Νέα Υόρκη. Στο Λονδίνο συναντήθηκε με τον Αμερικανό τραγουδιστή Χάρρυ Μπελαφόντε, που έγινε μέντορας και συνάδελφός της. Μετακόμισε στην Νέα Υόρκη, όπου έγινε αμέσως δημοφιλής, και ηχογράφησε τον πρώτο σόλο δίσκο της το 1960. Η προσπάθειά της να επιστρέψει στην νότια Αφρική το ίδιο έτος για την κηδεία της μητέρας της εμποδίστηκε από την αφρικανική κυβέρνηση.
Η καριέρα της Μακέμπα άκμασε στις ΗΠΑ όπου κυκλοφόρησε αρκετούς δίσκους και τραγούδια. Μαζί με τον Μπελαφόντε έλαβε ένα Βραβείο Γκράμι για τον δίσκο An Evening with Belafonte / Makeba (1965). Τάχθηκε κατά της κυβέρνησης της νότιας Αφρικής στον ΟΗΕ και συμμετείχε στο κίνημα για την υπεράσπιση των πολιτικών δικαιωμάτων. Παντρεύτηκε τον Στόουκλι Καρμάικλ, ηγέτη του Black Panther Party, το 1968. Εξαιτίας αυτού, έχασε την υποστήριξη των λευκών Αμερικανών και αντιμετωπίστηκε εχθρικά από την αμερικανική κυβέρνηση, με αποτέλεσμα η ίδια και ο Καρμάικλ να μετακομίσουν στην Γουινέα. Συνέχισε να τραγουδά, κυρίως στις αφρικανικές χώρες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων αρκετών εκδηλώσεων υπέρ της ανεξαρτησίας. Ξεκίνησε να γράφει και να ερμηνεύει μουσική που επέκρινε το απαρτχάιντ. Το τραγούδι Soweto Blues (1977) είχε ως θέμα την εξέγερση στο Σοβέτο. Μετά το απαρτχάιντ το 1990, η Μακέμπα επέστρεψε στην νότια Αφρική όπου συνέχισε την ηχογράφηση και την εκτέλεση τραγουδιών. Το 1999 ορίστηκε πρέσβειρα καλής θελήσεως του ΟΗΕ και πραγματοποίησε εκστρατείες για ανθρωπιστικούς σκοπούς. Πέθανε από καρδιακή προσβολή κατά την διάρκεια συναυλίας το 2008 στην Ιταλία.
Η Μακέμπα ήταν από τις πρώτες Αφρικανές τραγουδοποιούς που έλαβαν παγκόσμια αναγνώριση. Έκανε γνωστή την αφρικανική μουσική στον δυτικό κόσμο και έκανε γνωστά την παγκόσμια μουσική και την Afropop. Έκανε επίσης δημοφιλή αρκετά τραγούδια που ασκούσαν κριτική στο απαρτχάιντ και έγινε σύμβολο της αντίστασης ενάντια στο σύστημα, ιδιαίτερα μετά την ανάκληση του δικαιώματός της για επιστροφή στην νότια Αφρική. Μετά τον θάνατό της, ο πρώην πρόεδρος της νοτίου Αφρικής Νέλσον Μαντέλα δήλωσε ότι "η μουσική της ενέπνευσε ένα ισχυρό αίσθημα ελπίδας σε όλους".
Zenzile Miriam Makeba (4 March 1932 – 9 November 2008), nicknamed Mama Africa, was a Grammy Award-winning South African singer and civil rights activist.
In the 1960s, she was the first artist from Africa to popularize African music around the world. She is best known for the song "Pata Pata", first recorded in 1957 and released in the U.S. in 1967. She recorded and toured with many popular artists, such as Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon, and her former husband Hugh Masekela.
Makeba campaigned against the South African system of apartheid. The South African government responded by revoking her passport in 1960 and her citizenship and right of return in 1963. As the apartheid system crumbled she returned home for the first time in 1990.
Makeba died of a heart attack on 9 November 2008 after performing in a concert in Italy organised to support writer Roberto Saviano in his stand against the Camorra, a mafia-like organisation local to the region of Campania.
In the 1960s, she was the first artist from Africa to popularize African music around the world. She is best known for the song "Pata Pata", first recorded in 1957 and released in the U.S. in 1967. She recorded and toured with many popular artists, such as Harry Belafonte, Paul Simon, and her former husband Hugh Masekela.
Makeba campaigned against the South African system of apartheid. The South African government responded by revoking her passport in 1960 and her citizenship and right of return in 1963. As the apartheid system crumbled she returned home for the first time in 1990.
Makeba died of a heart attack on 9 November 2008 after performing in a concert in Italy organised to support writer Roberto Saviano in his stand against the Camorra, a mafia-like organisation local to the region of Campania.
Zenzile Miriam Makeba was born in Johannesburg on 4 March 1932. Her mother was a Swazi sangoma (traditional healer-herbalist). Her father, who died when she was six years old, was a Xhosa. When she was eighteen days old, her mother was arrested for selling umqombothi, an African homemade beer brewed from malt and cornmeal. Her mother was sentenced to a six-month prison term, so Miriam spent her first six months of life in jail. As a child, she sang in the choir of the Kilmerton Training Institute in Pretoria, a primary school that she attended for eight years.
In 1950 at the age of eighteen, Makeba gave birth to her only child, Bongi Makeba, whose father was Makeba's first husband James Kubay. Makeba was then diagnosed with breast cancer, and her husband left her shortly afterwards.
Her professional career began in the 1950s when she was featured in the South African jazz group the Manhattan Brothers, and appeared for the first time on a poster. She left the Manhattan Brothers to record with her all-woman group, The Skylarks, singing a blend of jazz and traditional melodies of South Africa. As early as 1956, she released the single "Pata Pata", which was played on all the radio stations and made her name known throughout South Africa.
She had a short-lived marriage in 1959 to Sonny Pillay, a South African singer of Indian descent. Her break came in that year when she had a short guest appearance in Come Back, Africa, an anti-apartheid documentary produced and directed by American independent filmmaker Lionel Rogosin. The short cameo made an enormous impression on the viewers and Rogosin managed to organise a visa for her to attend the première of the film at the twenty-fourth Venice Film Festival in Italy, where the film won the prestigious Critics' Award. That year, Makeba sang the lead female role in the Broadway-inspired South African musical King Kong; among those in the cast was musician Hugh Masekela. She made her U.S. debut on 1 November 1959 on The Steve Allen Show.
Makeba then travelled to London where she met Harry Belafonte, who assisted her in gaining entry to the United States and achieving fame there. When she tried to return to South Africa in 1960 for her mother's funeral, she discovered that her South African passport had been cancelled. She signed with RCA Victor and released Miriam Makeba, her first U.S. studio album, in 1960. In 1962, Makeba and Belafonte sang at John F. Kennedy's birthday party at Madison Square Garden, but Makeba did not go to the aftershow party because she was ill. President Kennedy insisted on meeting her, so Belafonte sent a car to pick her up and she met the President of the United States. In 1963, Makeba released her second studio album for RCA, The World of Miriam Makeba. An early example of world music, the album peaked at number eighty-six on the Billboard 200. Later that year, after she testified against apartheid before the United Nations, her South African citizenship and her right to return to the country were revoked. She was a woman without a country, but the world came to her aid, and Guinea, Belgium and Ghana issued her international passports, and she became, in effect, a citizen of the world. In her life, she held nine passports, and was granted honorary citizenship in ten countries.
In 1964, Makeba and Masekela were married, divorcing two years later.
In 1966, Makeba received the Grammy Award for Best Folk Recording together with Harry Belafonte for An Evening with Belafonte/Makeba. The album dealt with the political plight of black South Africans under apartheid, and it was one of the first American albums to present traditional Zulu, Sotho and Swahili songs in an authentic setting. From the time of her New York debut at the Village Vanguard, her fame and reputation grew. She released many of her most famous hits in the United States, including "The Click Song" ("Qongqothwane" in Xhosa) and "Malaika". Time called her the "most exciting new singing talent to appear in many years," and Newsweek compared her voice to "the smoky tones and delicate phrasing" of Ella Fitzgerald and the "intimate warmth" of Frank Sinatra. Despite the success that made her a star in the U.S., she wore no makeup and refused to curl her hair for shows, thus establishing a style that would come to be known internationally as the "Afro look". In 1967, more than ten years after she wrote the song, the single "Pata Pata" was released in the United States and became a worldwide hit.
In 1950 at the age of eighteen, Makeba gave birth to her only child, Bongi Makeba, whose father was Makeba's first husband James Kubay. Makeba was then diagnosed with breast cancer, and her husband left her shortly afterwards.
Her professional career began in the 1950s when she was featured in the South African jazz group the Manhattan Brothers, and appeared for the first time on a poster. She left the Manhattan Brothers to record with her all-woman group, The Skylarks, singing a blend of jazz and traditional melodies of South Africa. As early as 1956, she released the single "Pata Pata", which was played on all the radio stations and made her name known throughout South Africa.
She had a short-lived marriage in 1959 to Sonny Pillay, a South African singer of Indian descent. Her break came in that year when she had a short guest appearance in Come Back, Africa, an anti-apartheid documentary produced and directed by American independent filmmaker Lionel Rogosin. The short cameo made an enormous impression on the viewers and Rogosin managed to organise a visa for her to attend the première of the film at the twenty-fourth Venice Film Festival in Italy, where the film won the prestigious Critics' Award. That year, Makeba sang the lead female role in the Broadway-inspired South African musical King Kong; among those in the cast was musician Hugh Masekela. She made her U.S. debut on 1 November 1959 on The Steve Allen Show.
Makeba then travelled to London where she met Harry Belafonte, who assisted her in gaining entry to the United States and achieving fame there. When she tried to return to South Africa in 1960 for her mother's funeral, she discovered that her South African passport had been cancelled. She signed with RCA Victor and released Miriam Makeba, her first U.S. studio album, in 1960. In 1962, Makeba and Belafonte sang at John F. Kennedy's birthday party at Madison Square Garden, but Makeba did not go to the aftershow party because she was ill. President Kennedy insisted on meeting her, so Belafonte sent a car to pick her up and she met the President of the United States. In 1963, Makeba released her second studio album for RCA, The World of Miriam Makeba. An early example of world music, the album peaked at number eighty-six on the Billboard 200. Later that year, after she testified against apartheid before the United Nations, her South African citizenship and her right to return to the country were revoked. She was a woman without a country, but the world came to her aid, and Guinea, Belgium and Ghana issued her international passports, and she became, in effect, a citizen of the world. In her life, she held nine passports, and was granted honorary citizenship in ten countries.
In 1964, Makeba and Masekela were married, divorcing two years later.
In 1966, Makeba received the Grammy Award for Best Folk Recording together with Harry Belafonte for An Evening with Belafonte/Makeba. The album dealt with the political plight of black South Africans under apartheid, and it was one of the first American albums to present traditional Zulu, Sotho and Swahili songs in an authentic setting. From the time of her New York debut at the Village Vanguard, her fame and reputation grew. She released many of her most famous hits in the United States, including "The Click Song" ("Qongqothwane" in Xhosa) and "Malaika". Time called her the "most exciting new singing talent to appear in many years," and Newsweek compared her voice to "the smoky tones and delicate phrasing" of Ella Fitzgerald and the "intimate warmth" of Frank Sinatra. Despite the success that made her a star in the U.S., she wore no makeup and refused to curl her hair for shows, thus establishing a style that would come to be known internationally as the "Afro look". In 1967, more than ten years after she wrote the song, the single "Pata Pata" was released in the United States and became a worldwide hit.
Her marriage to Trinidad-born civil rights activist, Black Panther, and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee leader Stokely Carmichael in 1968 caused controversy in the United States, and her record deals and tours were cancelled. As a result, the couple moved to Guinea, her home for the next 15 years, where they became close with President Ahmed Sékou Touré and his wife, Andrée. Makeba was appointed Guinea's official delegate to the United Nations, for which she won the Dag Hammarskjöld Peace Prize in 1986. She also separated from Carmichael in 1973 and continued to perform primarily in Africa, Europe and Asia, but not in the United States, where a de facto boycott was in effect. Makeba was one of the entertainers at the 1974 Rumble in the Jungle match between Muhammad Ali and George Foreman held in Zaïre. She addressed the United Nations General Assembly for the second time in 1975. She divorced Carmichael in 1978 and married an airline executive in 1980.
After the death of her daughter Bongi in 1985, she decided to move to Brussels. In the following year, Hugh Masekela introduced Makeba to Paul Simon, and a few months later she embarked on the very successful Graceland Tour, which was documented on music video. Two concerts held in Harare, Zimbabwe, were filmed in 1987 for release as Graceland: The African Concert. After touring the world with Simon, Warner Bros. Records signed Makeba and she released Sangoma ("Healer"), an a cappella album of healing chants named in honour of her mother who was a "sangoma" ("a healer"). Shortly thereafter, her autobiography Makeba: My Story was published and subsequently translated from English into other languages including German, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish. She took part in the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute, a popular-music concert staged on 11 June 1988 at Wembley Stadium, London, and broadcast to 67 countries and an audience of 600 million. Also referred to as Freedomfest, Free Nelson Mandela Concert, and Mandela Day, the event called for Mandela's release.
Nelson Mandela's 70th Birthday Tribute increased pressure on the government of South Africa to release Mandela, and in 1990, State President of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk reversed the ban on the African National Congress and other anti-apartheid organisations, and announced that Nelson Mandela would shortly be released from prison. Mandela, who was effectively released from Victor Verster Prison in Paarl on 11 February 1990, persuaded Miriam Makeba to return to South Africa. She returned home on 10 June 1990, on her French passport.
In 1991, Makeba, with Dizzy Gillespie, Nina Simone and Masekela, recorded and released her studio album, Eyes on Tomorrow. It combined jazz, R&B, pop, and African music, and was a hit in Africa. Makeba and Gillespie then toured the world together to promote it. In November of the same year, she made a guest appearance in the episode "Olivia Comes Out of the Closet" of The Cosby Show. In 1992, she starred in the film Sarafina!. The film's plot centers on students involved in the 1976's Soweto youth uprisings, and Makeba portrayed the title character's mother, "Angelina". The following year she released Sing Me a Song.
On 16 October 1999, Miriam Makeba was nominated Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In January 2000, her album, Homeland, produced by Cedric Samson and Michael Levinsohn for the New York City based record label Putumayo World Music, was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best World Music Album category. She worked closely with Graça Machel-Mandela, who at the time was the South African first lady, for children suffering from HIV/AIDS, child soldiers, and the physically handicapped.
In 2001, she was awarded the Otto Hahn Peace Medal in Gold by the United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) in Berlin, "for outstanding services to peace and international understanding". She shared the Polar Music Prize with Sofia Gubaidulina. The prize is regarded as Sweden's foremost musical honour.[citation needed] They received their Prize from Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden during a nationally-televised ceremony at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, on 27 May 2002. She also took part in the 2002 documentary Amandla!: A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony, where she and others recalled the struggles of black South Africans against the injustices of apartheid through the use of music. In 2004, Makeba was voted 38th in the Top 100 Great South Africans. Makeba started a worldwide farewell tour in 2005, holding concerts in all of those countries that she had visited during her working life
On 9 November 2008, she became ill while taking part in a concert organised to support writer Roberto Saviano in his stand against the Camorra, a mafia-like organisation local to the Region of Campania. The concert was being held in Castel Volturno, near Caserta, Italy. Makeba suffered a heart attack after singing her hit song "Pata Pata", and was taken to the "Pineta Grande" clinic, where doctors were unable to revive her. Her publicist notes that Makeba had suffered "severe arthritis" for some time. She and family members were based in Northriding, Gauteng, at the time of her death.
From 25 to 27 September 2009, a tribute show to Makeba entitled "Hommage à Miriam Makeba" and curated by Grammy Award-winning Beninoise singer-songwriter and activist Angélique Kidjo for the Festival d'Ile de France, was held at the Cirque d'hiver in Paris. The same show but with the English title of "Mama Africa: Celebrating Miriam Makeba" was held at the Barbican in London on 21 November 2009. Mama Africa, a documentary film about the life of Miriam Makeba, co-written and directed by Finnish film director Mika Kaurismäki, was released in 2011. On 4 March 2013 Google honored her with a doodle on the homepage.
Miriam Makeba
After the death of her daughter Bongi in 1985, she decided to move to Brussels. In the following year, Hugh Masekela introduced Makeba to Paul Simon, and a few months later she embarked on the very successful Graceland Tour, which was documented on music video. Two concerts held in Harare, Zimbabwe, were filmed in 1987 for release as Graceland: The African Concert. After touring the world with Simon, Warner Bros. Records signed Makeba and she released Sangoma ("Healer"), an a cappella album of healing chants named in honour of her mother who was a "sangoma" ("a healer"). Shortly thereafter, her autobiography Makeba: My Story was published and subsequently translated from English into other languages including German, French, Dutch, Italian and Spanish. She took part in the Nelson Mandela 70th Birthday Tribute, a popular-music concert staged on 11 June 1988 at Wembley Stadium, London, and broadcast to 67 countries and an audience of 600 million. Also referred to as Freedomfest, Free Nelson Mandela Concert, and Mandela Day, the event called for Mandela's release.
Nelson Mandela's 70th Birthday Tribute increased pressure on the government of South Africa to release Mandela, and in 1990, State President of South Africa Frederik Willem de Klerk reversed the ban on the African National Congress and other anti-apartheid organisations, and announced that Nelson Mandela would shortly be released from prison. Mandela, who was effectively released from Victor Verster Prison in Paarl on 11 February 1990, persuaded Miriam Makeba to return to South Africa. She returned home on 10 June 1990, on her French passport.
In 1991, Makeba, with Dizzy Gillespie, Nina Simone and Masekela, recorded and released her studio album, Eyes on Tomorrow. It combined jazz, R&B, pop, and African music, and was a hit in Africa. Makeba and Gillespie then toured the world together to promote it. In November of the same year, she made a guest appearance in the episode "Olivia Comes Out of the Closet" of The Cosby Show. In 1992, she starred in the film Sarafina!. The film's plot centers on students involved in the 1976's Soweto youth uprisings, and Makeba portrayed the title character's mother, "Angelina". The following year she released Sing Me a Song.
On 16 October 1999, Miriam Makeba was nominated Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). In January 2000, her album, Homeland, produced by Cedric Samson and Michael Levinsohn for the New York City based record label Putumayo World Music, was nominated for a Grammy Award in the Best World Music Album category. She worked closely with Graça Machel-Mandela, who at the time was the South African first lady, for children suffering from HIV/AIDS, child soldiers, and the physically handicapped.
In 2001, she was awarded the Otto Hahn Peace Medal in Gold by the United Nations Association of Germany (DGVN) in Berlin, "for outstanding services to peace and international understanding". She shared the Polar Music Prize with Sofia Gubaidulina. The prize is regarded as Sweden's foremost musical honour.[citation needed] They received their Prize from Carl XVI Gustaf King of Sweden during a nationally-televised ceremony at Berwaldhallen, Stockholm, on 27 May 2002. She also took part in the 2002 documentary Amandla!: A Revolution in Four-Part Harmony, where she and others recalled the struggles of black South Africans against the injustices of apartheid through the use of music. In 2004, Makeba was voted 38th in the Top 100 Great South Africans. Makeba started a worldwide farewell tour in 2005, holding concerts in all of those countries that she had visited during her working life
On 9 November 2008, she became ill while taking part in a concert organised to support writer Roberto Saviano in his stand against the Camorra, a mafia-like organisation local to the Region of Campania. The concert was being held in Castel Volturno, near Caserta, Italy. Makeba suffered a heart attack after singing her hit song "Pata Pata", and was taken to the "Pineta Grande" clinic, where doctors were unable to revive her. Her publicist notes that Makeba had suffered "severe arthritis" for some time. She and family members were based in Northriding, Gauteng, at the time of her death.
From 25 to 27 September 2009, a tribute show to Makeba entitled "Hommage à Miriam Makeba" and curated by Grammy Award-winning Beninoise singer-songwriter and activist Angélique Kidjo for the Festival d'Ile de France, was held at the Cirque d'hiver in Paris. The same show but with the English title of "Mama Africa: Celebrating Miriam Makeba" was held at the Barbican in London on 21 November 2009. Mama Africa, a documentary film about the life of Miriam Makeba, co-written and directed by Finnish film director Mika Kaurismäki, was released in 2011. On 4 March 2013 Google honored her with a doodle on the homepage.
Miriam Makeba

www.facebook -Tribute to Mama Afrika: Miriam Zensi Makeba
www.facebook.com - Miriam Makeba Foundation
www.youtube.com - Miriam Makeba
Miriam Makeba Official Channel
Miriam Makeba
All the Best (FULL ALBUM)
01- Hush Hush 00:00 02- Give Us Our Land 02:14 03- Khawuleza 05:47 04- Iya Guduza 08:34 05- Jikele Maweni 11:15 06- Mbube 14:36 07- Ndodemnyama Verwoerd 16:54 08- Suliram 18:55 09- The house of the rising sun 20:44 10- The Naugthy Little Flea 23:44 11- To Those We Love 26:35 12- Umhome 29:08 13- Where does it lead 31:50 14- Olilili South Africa 35:26 15- The Click Song South Africa 38:59 16- In The Land Of The Zulus 40:54 17- Lovely Lies 43:41 18- Nomeva 46:31 19- One More Dance 49:31 20- Train Song 52:35
Miriam Makeba -
« Les idoles de la musique africaine, Vol. 1 »
(Album complet)
00:00:00 « Pata Pata » - Miriam Makeba
00:03:02 « The Click Song » - Miriam Makeba
00:05:36 « Saduva » - Miriam Makeba
00:08:07 « Forbidden Games » - Miriam Makeba
00:10:25 « House of the Rising' Sun » - Miriam Makeba
00:12:25 « Amampondo » - Miriam Makeba
00:14:23 « Suliram » - Miriam Makeba
00:17:10 « The Naughty Little Flea » - Miriam Makeba
00:21:00 « Nomeva » - Miriam Makeba
00:23:41 « Umhome (Version 1) » - Miriam Makeba
00:25:01 « Olilili » - Miriam Makeba
00:27:37 « Lakutshn, Ilanga » - Miriam Makeba
00:29:48 « Where Does It Lead? » - Miriam Makeba
00:32:21 « One More Dance » - Miriam Makeba
00:35:04 « Umhome (Version 2) » - Miriam Makeba
00:37:58 « Dubula » - Miriam Makeba
00:40:46 « Pole Mze » - Miriam Makeba
00:44:12 « Little Boy » - Miriam Makeba
00:46:31 « Iya Guduza » - Miriam Makeba
00:48:45 « Kwedini » - Miriam Makeba
00:51:43 « Vamos Chamar Ovento » - Miriam Makeba
00:55:08 « The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) » - Miriam Makeba
00:57:44 « Wimbowwee (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) » - Miriam Makeba
01:01:05 « Wonders and Things » - Miriam Makeba
01:04:18 « Into Yam » - Miriam Makeba
01:07:03 « Tonados de Media Noche » - Miriam Makeba
01:10:12 « Where Can I Go » - Miriam Makeba
« Les idoles de la musique africaine, Vol. 1 »
(Album complet)
00:00:00 « Pata Pata » - Miriam Makeba
00:03:02 « The Click Song » - Miriam Makeba
00:05:36 « Saduva » - Miriam Makeba
00:08:07 « Forbidden Games » - Miriam Makeba
00:10:25 « House of the Rising' Sun » - Miriam Makeba
00:12:25 « Amampondo » - Miriam Makeba
00:14:23 « Suliram » - Miriam Makeba
00:17:10 « The Naughty Little Flea » - Miriam Makeba
00:21:00 « Nomeva » - Miriam Makeba
00:23:41 « Umhome (Version 1) » - Miriam Makeba
00:25:01 « Olilili » - Miriam Makeba
00:27:37 « Lakutshn, Ilanga » - Miriam Makeba
00:29:48 « Where Does It Lead? » - Miriam Makeba
00:32:21 « One More Dance » - Miriam Makeba
00:35:04 « Umhome (Version 2) » - Miriam Makeba
00:37:58 « Dubula » - Miriam Makeba
00:40:46 « Pole Mze » - Miriam Makeba
00:44:12 « Little Boy » - Miriam Makeba
00:46:31 « Iya Guduza » - Miriam Makeba
00:48:45 « Kwedini » - Miriam Makeba
00:51:43 « Vamos Chamar Ovento » - Miriam Makeba
00:55:08 « The Retreat Song (Jikele Maweni) » - Miriam Makeba
00:57:44 « Wimbowwee (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) » - Miriam Makeba
01:01:05 « Wonders and Things » - Miriam Makeba
01:04:18 « Into Yam » - Miriam Makeba
01:07:03 « Tonados de Media Noche » - Miriam Makeba
01:10:12 « Where Can I Go » - Miriam Makeba
Dragan Dangubić
Miriam Makeba - The Greatest Collection
| 00:00 | Milele' 2 | 03:32 | Holilili 3 | 06:08 | Baby Ntsoare 4 | 09:11 | Hush 5 | 11:53 | Ntyilo Ntyilo 6 | 14:18 | Nomalungelo 7 | 16:44 | Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) 8 | 20:20 | Sindiza Ngecadillacs 9 | 22:43 | Make Us One 10 | 25:18 | Table Mountain 11 | 27:42 | Back of the Moon 12 | 30:43 | Ndamcenga 13 | 33:14 | Live Humble 14 | 35:40 | Kutheni Sithandwa 15 | 38:17 | Orlando 16 | 41:03 | Yini Madoda 17 | 43:38 | Quickly in Love 18 | 46:19 | Laku Tshone 'Ilanga 19 | 49:05 | Sophiatown Is Gone 20 | 51:49 | Miriams's Goodbye to Africa 21 | 54:36 | Darlie Kea Lemang 22 | 57:27 | Tula Ndiville 23 | 1:00:37 | Umbhaqanga 24 | 1:03:15 | Pula Kgosi Seretse 25 | 1:06:11 | Teya Teya
| 00:00 | Milele' 2 | 03:32 | Holilili 3 | 06:08 | Baby Ntsoare 4 | 09:11 | Hush 5 | 11:53 | Ntyilo Ntyilo 6 | 14:18 | Nomalungelo 7 | 16:44 | Jeux Interdits (Forbidden Games) 8 | 20:20 | Sindiza Ngecadillacs 9 | 22:43 | Make Us One 10 | 25:18 | Table Mountain 11 | 27:42 | Back of the Moon 12 | 30:43 | Ndamcenga 13 | 33:14 | Live Humble 14 | 35:40 | Kutheni Sithandwa 15 | 38:17 | Orlando 16 | 41:03 | Yini Madoda 17 | 43:38 | Quickly in Love 18 | 46:19 | Laku Tshone 'Ilanga 19 | 49:05 | Sophiatown Is Gone 20 | 51:49 | Miriams's Goodbye to Africa 21 | 54:36 | Darlie Kea Lemang 22 | 57:27 | Tula Ndiville 23 | 1:00:37 | Umbhaqanga 24 | 1:03:15 | Pula Kgosi Seretse 25 | 1:06:11 | Teya Teya